
Again I stood 
Shaking and trembling 
held down by its familiar weight 
Wallowing in deep misery 

Depressed. Dejected. Damned.
I could feel them moving and whispering 
turning my mind to a despondent state
They seemed so harmless that first meeting

Enticing. Enthralling. Bewitching 
I welcomed them, giving them a home 
Now the degenerate demons ruled ruthlessly.
Turning my mind to all manner of evil 
Making my appearance and speech despicable 
Wreaking my entire being
They stood firm in their purpose 
Determined to drive me to insanity 

I stood 
Groaning. Crying. Cursing 
Moaning. Whining. Begging 
Covered in filth and sores

People turned away at the sight of me
I heard the Demons ceaseless chants
Eternally damned 
Beyond redemption

Lost light
Condemned soul
Doomed to darkness
These voices never ceased

They spoke in a foreign tongue
Committed in their torment 
Of my fragile soul
They screamed in my mind
And I screamed back too
Stripped of all human reasoning
I stood undignified
Doomed to death
dreadful darkness dangerously dawning 
I screamed sorrowfully 
Craving liberating light
One last time 
Before damnation descended 

I cried out with a loud voice 
As one with no hope
Defeated. Disconsolate. Downcast
Suddenly there was a voice

Out of Zion His Holy Hill 
I AM heard my screams
I AM heard my hopeless cry 
I AM found me wandering
Defiled and Defeated

Desperate for deliverance
Crying and clawing 
Shouting at the Demons in my head 
begging to be left alone 
I AM heard my lost soul cry
He led me from the deep dark gloom
He snapped my chains and freed my Soul

I AM called the Demons
by their nameless names 
They shrieked mournfully 
The Demons doom descended 

'Depart from this body 
you cursed captives
Stay bounds in chains
Till my judgement comes'

His presence brought light
His radiance revived me
My sunken spirit soared
His breath brought life 

To my languished lungs
He spoke softly
A still small voice
Continue no more on that path 

Turn around and stay sanctified  
His word healed me
snatching me from the door of death.
I will broadcast your glorious wonders
I will show your Life-giving light
Throughout the whole world 

I was lost but you found me
Your tender mercies draws me back
Again and again
You called me out of darkness 
Into your marvelous light

The difference your presence makes
From rejected to accepted 
From nothing to something
Your Grace sustains me 
Do not let me wander from your light

Image Credit: 


Kennethson said…
Wow! Such profound piece. Blessed to read it.
Grace Ekong said…
@Kennethson glad to hear it!
Thanks for reading
Unknown said…
Wow..... blessed from this piece
Grace Ekong said…
@Unknown, Wonderful! Thanks for reading..
Unknown said…
Beautiful dark imageries, yet couldn't outshine the salvation message therein. Keep the ink bleeding.👍
Grace Ekong said…
@Unknown Thanks! We'll keep spreading the message 😊
Unknown said…
"Your Grace sustains me" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is so lovely!! felt as though i just saw a whole movie
The gift of salvation!!!!
thank you for this beautiful piece !!!
Grace Ekong said…
@Unknown Thankssss!
The whole thing was definitely inspired by God.
Chimobim said…
Heartbroken in the beginning
Devastated in the middle
Smiled at the end.
Very nice piece.

Grace Ekong said…
@Chimobim Thanks for reading!
prof said…
This piece seems so real - truly a blessing.

"Out of Zion His Holy Hill
I AM heard my screams
I AM heard my hopeless cry
I AM found me wandering
Defiled and Defeated" - absolutely awesome
Anonymous said…
@Prof Thanks for reading!
Anonymous said…
Wow this is really good. Keep it up.
Anonymous said…
Smile 💯 well-done Chioma❤️

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