I am learning...
I am learning
Learning how best to
bare my soul
Learning the best ways
to say I am wrong
Learning how to listen
to what my heart needs
Learning to speak my
truth when it should be heard.
I am learning
Learning how much my
words can pierce a soul
Learning how much I can
wound with just my tongue
Learning how best to
keep my thoughts pure and refined
Learning how holding my
tongue can keep the peace and sustain my sanity
I am learning
Learning that doubts can
be crippling
Learning the difference
between love and infatuation
Learning that sometimes
what I want isn’t what I need
Learning that most times
fighting my feelings isn’t the answer
Baby, I am Learning
Learning that my actions
have repercussions
Learning that sometimes
I don’t have to come first
Learning that my spirit
is willing, yet my flesh is weak
Learning that my
decisions affect people I care about
I am learning
Learning that success
can be faked
Learning that smiles
aren’t always genuine
Learning that I have the
power to create my own happiness
Learning that the
journey to wholesomeness is sometimes a lonely path
I am learning
Learning that pain
doesn’t last forever
Learning that my
emotions are visible for all to see
Learning that pure bliss
might just be what I am depriving myself of
Learning that I am
blessed beyond human comprehension… blessed with you
I am Learning
Learning who I truly am
Learning who you are too
And what we might just
become together…
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