Monday Motivation - It's Not Over Until It's Over

Back in Secondary School I was into Sports a bit. This time it was Javelin and well I guess I was like the best, all through the training no one could beat my throw. On the day of the event we got 3 throws, after the first round I was in my rightful position as first, but then the second round the Girl who was next best beat my throw and became first and it was just the third round left. At that point I didn't know it was best of three, I wrongly assumed it was to be the aggregate of the three throws. My 3rd throw was wack, and she won. I got destabilized and missed the opportunity to reclaim first place, I came second because I gave up too soon.
Just like in life, sometimes we stop fighting for what we want, give up too soon. Maybe because we don't know how to fight or maybe because we grow weary. I didn't know how to come back because I never imagined that could happen, all through the training she had never bested me and maybe I got too comfortable to the point that when it happened it destabilized me and I just stopped fighting. The point here is to never throw in the towel, always have a comeback plan. Like it is often said, expect the unexpected. Life is anyhow, anything can happen at anytime, so we ought to be ready.

Not saying to be a pessimist and always negative, but expect life's lows because its bound to happen. No one has it all rosy not even Jesus who is known as the greatest man to walk the earth had it all flowers and sunshine, He got tested by his biggest rival but the good news is he overcame. So best believe that no matter what life throws at you, you can take it, you have what it takes to come out of that situation flying. All you need do is to make sure you're prepared for when things goes sideways, think up ways to remedy the 'bad' situation, ask for help if Possible. All in all, do not give up. And well if it takes you by surprise and without a plan just take a minute to restrategise, no hurries we're here for a while take your time and come back with a bang!

Back to the Javelin story, I remember as I was about to take my last throw, the Lady officiating told me to calm myself and then take it. Likewise, you have people on the sidelines rooting for you! Always remember that, your parents, friends even your annoying siblings. Talk to them if you must, draw inspiration from them when needed, talk to God, cry if that helps but remember the goal is to be on top of the situation and take control!

It's the last month of 2019 and perhaps you feel defeated because there's one thing or the other you've not been able to accomplish yet, well just here to tell you that the year isn't over yet. There's still a lot of days in December, if you're counting that's like 22 days filled with countless opportunities and possibilities. It's a marathon really, not over till it's over, a few seconds can make a world of difference. And maybe a positive attitude is all you need to make that dream come true.
You've not gotten to the end of the road, there's a way and you must find it. See every situation as a stepping stone to greatness, even when you're surrounded by negativity you must find the positive and dwell on that. Even if it is one tiny bit of good like just the mere fact that you're alive appreciate that. Remember that in 2 seconds everything can burst (read change) and you'll be where you've always wanted to be.
It's not over till we breathe our last, so while you have life make it count! No situation can wreck you except you allow it, mind over matters!

Have a productive week People! Remember to Subscribe to the Blog so you don't miss anything.

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Unknown said…
Having a motivated week already. Thank you
Grace Ekong said…
@unknown Good! Thanks for reading.
Unknown said…
Beautiful read.
Grace Ekong said…
@unknown Thanks Thanks.
Unknown said…
I'm inspired!, Weldon dear
Unknown said…
Beautiful piece dear. Encouraging
Grace Ekong said…
@unknown Happy to be of help, thanks for reading.
Unknown said…
Great piece dear. A real inspiration and a boost for the last few days of the year.
Grace Ekong said…
@Unknown Thanks for reading and for your kind words.

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